For further comments or suggestions, please feel free to contact the corresponding authors (Dr. Qiwei Li, Dr. Guanghua Xiao, or Dr. Xiaowei Zhan).



Our web server curated datasets based on scientific literature. Each dataset may have its restrictions, and we do not impose additional limitations or restrictions. We kindly ask the user to cite our work if this website is helpful in your research.
Users can download each dataset from our web server. Alternatively, we deposit all datasets in Zenodo (link). They are identical to the website and allow users to download in one batch.
In each spatial dataset, there is paired image files and expression data files.


Quantitative Biomedical Research Center Department of Population and Data Sciences Danciger Research Building, 5323 Harry Hines Blvd. Ste. H9.124, Dallas, TX 75390-8821

Department of Mathematical Sciences, The University of Texas at Dallas 800 W Campell Rd Richardson, TX 75080, United States

Phone number

Guanghua Xiao
Phone: 214-648-4110

Xiaowei Zhan
Phone: 214-648-5194
Fax: 214.648.1663

Qiwei Li
Phone: +1 (972) 883-4689


Guanghua Xiao

Xiaowei Zhan

Qiwei Li